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Round #1
Race #1

Round #1
Race #2

Round #2
Race #1

Round #2
Race #2

Round #3
Race #1

#454 Steven (20+1) =21pts

#1 Jud = 17pts

#51 Tim = 15pts

4th #525 Mitch = 13pts

5th #50 Robert = 10pts

6th #120 Dave = 7pts

#4x Sean = DNF

#111 Sarah = DNS

#1 Jud = 20 pts

#454 (17+1) = 18pts

#525 Mitch = 15pts

4th #4x Sean = 13pts

5th #51 Tim = 10pts

6th #50 Robert = 7pts

7th #120 Dave = 5pts

#111 Sarah = DNS

#454 Steven = 20pts

#1 Jud (17+1) = 18pts

#111 Sarah = 15pts

4th #51 Tim = 13pts

5th #525 Mitch = 10pts

6th #120 Dave = 7pts

#4 (rental) Nick = DNS

#454 Steven (20+1) = 21pts

#1 Jud = 17pts

#607 Brandon = 15pts

4th #731 Brian = 13pts

5th #51 Tim = 10pts

6th #120 Dave = 7pts

7th #525 Mitch = 5pts

8th #50 Robert = 3pts

#4 (rental) Triatan = DNS

#1 Jud (20+1) = 21pts

#454 Steven = 17pts

#111 Sarah = 15pts

4th #51 Tim = 13pts

5th #525 Mitch = 10pts

6th #120 Dave = 7pts

#4 (rental) Nick = DNS


Round #3
Race #2

Round #4 
Race #1

#1 Jud (20+1) = 21pts

#454 Steven = 17pts

#607 Brandon = 15pts

4th #731 Brian = 13pts

5th #51 Tim = 10pts

6th #525 Mitch = 7pts

7th #120 Dave = 5pts

8th #50 Robert = 3pts

#4 (rental) Tristan = DNS


#454 Steven (20+1) = 21pts

#1 Jud = 17pts

#731 Brian = 15pts

4th #607 Brandon = 13pts

5th #525 Mitch = 10pts

6th #111 Sarah = 7pts

7th #51 Tim = 5pts

8th #4 (rental) Luke = 3pts


Round #4
Race #2

#1 Jud = 20pts

#454 Steven (17 +1) = 18pts

#731 Brian = 15pts

4th #51 Tim = 13pts

5th #111 Sarah = 10pts

6th #525 Mitch = 7pts

7th #607 Brandon = 5pts

8th #4 (rental) Luke = 3pts

Round #5
Race #1

Round #5
Race #2

Round #6

Race #1

Round #6 
Race #2

Round #7
Race #1

Round #7
Race #2

Round #8
Race #1

Round #8
Race #2

Round #9
Race #1

Round #10
Race #1

Round #10
Race #2

Round #11
Race #1

Round #11
Race #2

Round #12
Race #1

Round #12
Race #2

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